Ok so I feel like Thad and I had the best Memorial Day around. We started out with a quick 2 day road trip to Savannah (a surprise trip from Thad) which was so great. Savannah truly was a city filled with history, charm and beauty. Once we returned home we spent Monday at the pool and bbq with some friends, yep it was pretty much a blast. Here are some pics of our adventures......
This is the famous River Street in Savannah that is right along the river....pretty but a tourist trap
We took a picture here because the stairs were so steep and tall
There was this yummy candy shop full of freshly made treats (I heart anything with pecans in them)
I loved this little bridge with the ivy arch-way
In the background is the restaurant Lady and Sons, the main purpose of the trip and they were booked and we never got to eat there
I made Thad stand under the gorgeous moss, so pretty (not Thad, the moss)
Can you imagine taking a ghost tour of Savannah in this car at night? Very cool
We search high and low for the bench that Forrest Gump sat on with his box of chocolates......but found out that the bench was in a museum now but found the park the bench use to be in(this is Thad impersonating Forrest Gump)
We got away from all the tourists and strolled the neighborhoods and fell in love with all the neat old homes
We stumbled upon a gorgeous church and to make it more quaint there was a couple getting married in the park across the street
Ever wonder how peaches or fruit get to us all pretty and shiny? Well on our way home we came across a peach factory and you could take a tour through the factory. I was very impressed and really was fascinated by what a perfect system they have going
Then on Monday we went to the pool by our house and had a lovely time
It was a great Memorial Day Weekend!
Wow, looks like fun Rozzie! And looks like you are starting your own Memorial Day tradition there. :)